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Blog - activities of daily living

Prevent Pressure Ulcers With Assistive Devices


It is bad enough to be bound to a wheelchair, but it can it make all the more uncomfortable when you get pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are incredible painful sores that are formed from rubbing or pressing an area of the skin for a long period of time. It is not uncommon to find pressure ulcers on someone who is wheelchair or bed bound. Severe pressure ulcers can take months of even years to heal, so your best bet is to take steps to prevent them from forming in the first place. Luckily Assistive Devices is here to help. 

Preventing a pressure ulcer is much easier when you have Assistive Devices on your side. Although we have many options available to you, if you are looking for pressure ulcer prevention in your wheelchair you need to look into the Pressure Protection Solution. This comes with an incredibly comfortable wheelchair cushion. This cushion is made of high resilient foam. It provides optimal stabilization and positioning, while helping to protect your skin from breaking down. The best part about this pressure prevention cushion is that it is so easy to clean. All you have to do is remove the polyester cover and throw it in the washer!

Attempting to complete all of your activities of daily living in a wheelchair is tough enough as it is. Don't add more discomfort by neglecting to protect yourself against pressure ulcers. At Assistive Devices we offer great deals and free US shipping. Don't wait, start taking care of yourself today by ordering your Pressure Protection Solution. 

Personal Care Made Easy Again With Our Assistive Devices

When was the last time you thought twice about putting your shoes on, getting out of bed, or picking something up off of the floor? The majority of us do all of these types of activities second nature, we don't even  have to think about it, we just do it. As we age these everyday [...]

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Stay Independent With Our Assistive Devices for Mobility

Most of us take our mobility for granted everyday, but there are many people who aren’t able to get around on their own. As the baby boomer generation is getting older, more and more people are needing assistance with mobility. More than 11,000 people become seniors every single day! At Assistive Devices we work hard [...]

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Get Your Mobility Back With Our Incredible Assistive Devices

For many of us, our independence is what keeps us young and active, but as we age it is natural for our independence to waver. One of the biggest keys to independence is mobility. When you are unsteady on your feet, many of the activities of daily living that you never even thought about before [...]

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Keep Your Independence With Assistive Devices

We all want to stay independent for as long as possible. After years of being able to take care of yourself, it is frustrating to imagine someone else having to take care of you. We are Assistive Devices, and our goal is to keep you independent for as long as possible. Our large variety of [...]

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Let Us Help You With Your Activities Of Daily Living

One of the most distressing parts about growing old, even for healthy people, is the fact that your day to day activities tend to get much more difficult. We have been working since 1992 to help our customers stay independent for longer. We offer a wide variety of assistive devices to make your activities of [...]

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